Google's co-founders have stepped aside
Larry Page and Sergey Brin were at Stanford when they started the company 20 years ago - 1996 - but this week they handed over the reigns. They'd stepped away from day-to-day Google operations when they made Sundar Pichai the CEO a few years ago. They maintained control of the parent company Alphabet, but are now stepping away from that too. So.. what's next? They'll still be on the board, they'll still have controlling shares.
Google is worth almost $1 trillion dollars now.
NSW has a new tool to crack down on cellphone use while driving
It's always been a tricky thing to prove -- but now NSW Police have new cameras positioned on roads which have AI to detect when people are on their phones. The machine flags the behaviour then a human reviews it. If they are in fact on their phone they'll get a letter in the mail.
Kid friendly app TikTok is alleged to be breaking the law?
They're accused of breaking the Children's Online Protection Act - known as COPA. COPA states  social networks can't collect analytics on children under 13 without their parents consent. It's why many of the apps have 13 as the age minimum. The suit by two parents claims TikTok has not only collected the data but sold it on to third-parties too.
Porche is going green..
Their first electric car is out - the Taycan - and boy it's pretty - because it looks like a Porche! Gets to 60mph in 3.8 seconds. Hits 155mph on the track. 
But how does it sound..? Well quiet.. so you actually need to pay an extra $500 for "Electric Sport Sound" to get futuristic engine sounds piped into the car!
You can summon Siri by saying "Hey Porche" and it's all for the cool cool price of $103,000 USDs.LISTEN TO AUDIO ABOVE