YouTube is revealed as a multi-billion dollar business
For the first time Google has split out the YouTube revenue and profits from the general Google numbers.. and they're large. Last year, YouTube pulled in US$15.1 billion in revenue - that's more than $1 billion a month. They also revealed the 2019 amount was up 36% rom last year. 
For comparison.. Netflix's revenue was higher at $20b, TVNZ's revenue was $173 million
Why was an artist walking the streets with a wagon full of cellphones?
He was causing traffic chaos.. not because he was blocking the lane physically, but rather digitally. His wagon was full of 99 cellphones beaming information to Google Maps which interpreted the data as a traffic jam. Why? They thought there were 99 people on a very small stretch of road. So what happened next? Navigation systems diverted traffic to avoid the virtual traffic. His message: "data is always an interpretation".
Uber is trialing letting drivers change the price for a ride
It's turning it into a bidding war now.. Uber will suggest its usual price for a fixed trip, then will let the drivers increase the price in 10% increments. Users will be connected to the cheapest ride. 
There are other changes too - drivers will get more information about a ride and will be able to more freely decline rides. It's to give drivers more independence over how they work - which helps them comply with California's new gig economy law.