Paul Stenhouse is the Technology Contributor on Saturday Morning with Jack Tame.

Apple just threw its weight into a Federal privacy bill
The company has been positioning itself as the home of privacy for sometime now and this week threw its support behind the need for a national privacy law. Tim Cook said that breaking up companies will do nothing if the companies still have access to vast data pools. He says they haven’t been able to self regulate so need the government to step in. Understanding Te Reo is now even easier
The Maori Language Commission has teamed up with Microsoft to offer Te Reo as one of 60 languages in Microsoft Translate. So you can easily type an English phrase into the tool to get back a Maori phrase, and vice versa. You can find the app for iPhone and Android and on the web too. Uber is not “fit and proper”
That’s according to Transport for London who has pulled the ride sharing service from London streets. Uber has appealed the decision so will be allowed to keep operating for now. It’s all because of safety concerns — drivers were able to upload a different profile picture effectively allowing someone to think they were being picked up by the legitimate driver even if they were using a different account. Plus they said banned drivers could create new accounts and keep driving.