Are we one step closer to being able to iMessage someone on WhatsApp?
The EU has agreed in principle to a new law that would force interoperability between smaller messaging services and the giants of the industry. This would mean that a startup would be able to get into the iMessage or WhatsApp ecosystem. WHat's unclear is if that will mean the end of the blue/green bubble situation and force the ability to be able to contact someone using iMessage via WhatsApp. The Digital Markets Act also gives you the right to uninstall, more access to data, advertising transparency, reduces app store restrictions and will prevent "self-preferencing" - effectively allowing companies to put their products at the top of the page.

Classic Instagram is back.. kinda
Ditch the algorithm! You can now see your IG feed in the classic reverse chronological order. You can also now add up to 50 accounts as 'favorites' to see first - luckily you won't be notified when you're added or removed from a favorites list. To change the view (and it's only temporary while you're in that session) tap the instagram logo and select either "following" or "favorites".


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