Amazon now has its own brand of TVs 
They want full control of the second most important screen in your home - the big one in your living room. After partnering with TV manufacturers with Fire TV collaborations, they're now branding TVs as their own. There's the Fire TV Omni and the Fire TV Series 4. The Omni model has a higher resolution screen and voice control. Even when the Omni is off, you'll be able to use it like an Alexa. The Fire TV Omni will integrate with your Ring doorbell so the moment someone pushes the button, their video will appear in picture-in-picture. Amazon says there are other smart home integrations coming too.  Spotify wants to make your playlists better 
If you've got a playlist that needs some new life, the new Enhance feature is for you. Based on the songs already in the playlist Spotify will recommend more music you should add. They'll appear in the list with a big green sparkle next to them to show they're auto-magically added, but you can make them permanent additions by clicking the plus button. You'll see the 'Enhance' button at the top of your playlists over the next month.  Microsoft admits it doesn't know when offices will reopen 
The Delta variant has forced companies to change their office mask policies and their return to office plans so many times that Microsoft has kind of given up. They've pushed their October 4th date seemingly indefinitely, not giving employees a new date to work with. LISTEN ABOVE  

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