This recipe is for anyone who a. has too many tomatoes in the garden or b. loves the taste of summer in winter or c. adores pizza and/or pasta for dinner. So, pretty much everyone then! But even if you don’t grow your own tomatoes this recipe is for you because about now toms get cheap, really cheap in your local grocers and a few kgs made into pasta sauce now, can see you through many a dark winter’s night.
Makes about 5 cups

2 medium onions, roughly chopped
4 cloves garlic, crushed
3kg ripe tomatoes, roughly chopped
Small handful fresh herbs – basil, oregano, thyme
Optional – chopped courgette, capsicum, celery
1-2 tsps sea salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper

Heat a splash of olive oil in a large pan, pot or wok. Add all the ingredients and let it simmer for an hour covered. Uncover, add another splash of olive oil and simmer until thickened for say 20-30 more minutes. If you like a smooth sauce, blend with a stick blender or use a food processor. I blend to a chunky sauce.
Transfer to containers and freeze.

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