Brown sugar & walnut meringue with roasted cinamon plums
What do do with all the egg yolks from Christmas custard huh? Make this exquisite brown sugar pavlova of course! The tartness of roasted plums are a fabulous foil for the sweetness of a pavlova.
Serves 8-10
6 egg whites
200g caster sugar
2 heaped tbsps brown sugar
1 tbsp cornflour
2 tsp malt or white vinegar
¼ cup walnut pieces, toasted
6-8 fresh plums (or use canned black doris)
4 tbsps brown sugar
¼ cup water
1 cup store-bought custard
300mls soft whipped cream 3 tbsps caster sugar
Store-bought chocolate stars to garnish
Few pinches of cinnamon to garnish

Preheat oven to 200 C. Line an oven tray with baking paper.
Whisk egg whites until soft peak stage then begin to add the sugars, a few tablespoons at a time, whilst still whisking. Whisk until glossy stiff peaks form – about 5-7 minutes. Fold in remaining cornflour, vinegar and walnut pieces. Spoon out onto baking sheet – I like a rectangle as it’s easy to serve but feel free to go for another shape as is your preference.
Place in oven and reduce temperature to 150 C. Bake for 45 minutes until crispy and hollow when tapped. Turn oven off and leave meringue in oven until it cools to cold.
Quarter fresh plums (or halve canned black doris), transfer to ovenproof dish with ¼ cup water, sprinkle over brown sugar and cinnamon and bake in moderate oven for 20-25 minutes or until plums are softened and syrup forms.
To serve: Cover meringue with whipped cream, dollops of custard, plums and syrup. Decorate/garnish with a dusting of cinnamon and anything else you feel like!