A Bacon & Egg Buttie for DadMy favourite bacon butties have a lovely chive-spiked omelette tucked in there as well as crispy bacon, mustard and relish. Make these for dad this Fathers’ Day.
Streaky bacon – allow 2-3 rashers per person
1 tbsp maple syrup
Fresh eggs – ½ per person
Chives, chopped finely
Salt & pepper to season
Splash of water
White bread - 2 slices per person
A good relish or tomato sauce
A swipe of wholegrain mustard

Roll each bacon rasher up and place on a tray to cook under a hot grill – you can cook a lot at once like this. Cook until getting crispy then turn and cook other side.
Whisk eggs with chives and seasoning and a splash of water. Heat a pan to medium and grease it with some butter. Pour in enough of the egg mixture to make a thin omelette. Make a few batches until you’ve used all the egg mixture. Keep omelettes warm.
Unravel bacon and cook in the pan on medium until crispy, adding a small of splash maple syrup towards the end and cook until sticky.
Toast the bread and butter. Wipe one slice with mustard and top with bacon, some omelette (cut to fit), a dollop of relish and another piece of toast. Cut the buttie, always cut the buttie!    

There’s some tips and tricks to cooking a lot of bacon well; I prefer grilling the bacon first then finishing in the pan, adding a dash of maple syrup towards the end of cooking (it transforms bacon with it’s caramelised flavour) and always buy the best quality bacon you can afford.LISTEN TO AUDIO ABOVE