Tamarillo & Apple Relish 
This relish goes well with cheese n crackers, in a toasted sandwich or my all-time favourite, with a roast pork dinner!  
Makes 6 jars (approx 150mls each) 
1.5kg tamarillos 
500g apples (I always try to use Granny Smiths) 
500g onions 
2 cups malt vinegar 
2 cups brown sugar 
1/2 tsps cayenne pepper 
12 cloves 
12 peppercorns  

Tie cloves and peppercorns in a muslin bag. 
In a large saucepan (greasing the bottom to prevent sticking) put the peeled and chopped tamarillos, apples and onions plus all the other ingredients, including your muslin spice bag.
Bring to the boil then turn the heat down and simmer about 1-1.5 hours when it should be nice and thick.
Cool a little and pour into sterilized jars and when cool enough to handle screw on lids and wipe jars clean. 
Like all relishes and chutneys, this one improves with age so try and resist delving into it for at least 3 weeks!