Small batch plum sauce (to have with everything!)
Makes 450ml bottles/jars
750kg plums, de-stoned
230g brown sugar
450mls vinegar (I used malt & apple cider)
2 tsps salt
2 tsps pickling spices (or use a mix of peppercorns, all spice, ginger)

Place all ingredients in the pan and bring to the boil then simmer until the plums are all squashy. About 45 mins.
With a stick blender puree the sauce and bring back to the boil then simmer for a further 30 minutes or until it thickens.
Bottle into sterilised bottles/jars then just screw on the lids.

To sterilse bottles/jars: place in oven at 150 C for 10-15 minutes. Pour boiling water over lids. Fill bottles/jars with sauce whilst still hot and fit lid immediately.