Mother’s Day Sticky buns  
This is one of the simplest and quickest sticky bun recipes I know and the buns are top notch.  
Makes 9 large buns  
½ cup brown sugar 
3 big tablespoons butter 
4 tablespoons maple syrup  Filling 
2 tablespoons butter 
½ cup brown sugar 
3 teaspoons mixed spice 
1 cup walnut pieces  
3 tablespoons warm water 
2 teaspoons instant yeast 
1 teaspoon sugar  
3 cups plain flour 
1 ½ teaspoons baking powder 
½ teaspoon baking soda 
½ teaspoon salt 
1 cup plain yoghurt  
1 large egg 
100g butter, softened  

Preheat oven to 190 C. Line a 22x22cm baking tin with baking paper, making sure it comes up the sides.  
Melt brown sugar, butter and maple syrup and simmer for 1 minute. Pour half of this into the base of the lined tin.  
Make the dough by stirring the yeast and warm water together and leaving to froth for 5 minutes. While this happens whisk together the dry ingredients; flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Whisk together frothy yeast mix, yoghurt and egg and pour this into the dry ingredients. Mix together - you can do this in a beater with a kneading attachment or with a knife  - until combined. Add in butter, a tablespoon at a time and keep mixing until it’s incorporated.  
Turn out onto a lightly floured surface and knead to bring together. 
To assemble buns: Roll out dough to a 20x30 rectangle. Butter with softened butter then sprinkle over sugar, mixed spice and ¾ of the walnuts. Starting from the long side furthest away from you and roll up tightly, bringing it towards you. Use a sharp knife or, my preferred technique, dental floss or thread (see note) to cut into nine equal portions. Place in lined tin, evenly spaced to allow for expansion, cut side down. Bake for 30-35 minutes or until golden brown.  
Remove buns from oven and let settle for a few minutes before turning out onto a serving dish or board. Peel off paper to reveal the syrupy buns!   
To serve, top with remaining brown sugar, maple and butter mixture and sprinkle over remaining walnuts.  


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