Golden syrup & sourdough tart  
There’s no other way to describe it, this tart is dead dreamy!  
Makes one 20cm tart / serves 4-6  
1 sheet sweet short pastry  
2 medium eggs 
50mls cream 
1 teaspoon sea salt  
350g golden syrup  
70g butter, melted 
½ cup sourdough crumbs 
1 tablespoon lemon juice + 1 tsp zest  
Ice cream or crème fraiche (or both!), to serve 

Heat oven to 180 C. Roll the pastry into a 5 mm thick disc to fit your tin. I used a 20 cm tin but you’d get away with a slightly larger, less deep one. Press the pastry firmly into the base of the tin and prick all over with a fork. Rest and chill in the freezer for 15 minutes  

Next, blind bake the tart shell. Line the pastry case with baking paper and fill with dried beans or rice – fill it right to the top. Bake for 20 minutes, carefully remove the paper and beans and bake for a further 10-12 minutes, until golden. Cool. 

Make the filling by lightly whisking the eggs, cream and salt in a bowl.  

Add golden syrup to the melted butter and mix to combine then stir this into the egg mixture. Add breadcrumbs, lemon zest and juice and stir until well combined.  

Reduce oven to 155 C. Place the tart tin on the heated tray and carefully pour in the treacle mixture, filling almost to the top. Slide it gently back into the oven and cook for 45minutes or until just set. The middle 3 cms ought to have a slight wobble.  

Place on a wire rack to cool.  

Transfer to a serving board or plate to serve and sprinkle over sea salt and serve just warm or cold with ice cream or crème fraiche. 

Nici’s note: Sometimes it’s worth blind baking a tart shell if your filling is quite wet, as with this tart, and you want that buttery crispness in the end result. 

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