Free-form potato & courgette pie 
What to do with all those courgettes that keep threatening to turn into marrows? Make this, you’ll love it!  
Serves 2-4  
1-2 potatoes, sliced thinly  
2-3 courgettes, sliced thinly  
1/3 cup plain flour  
1/3 cup grated parmesan  
1 tsp sea salt  
½ tsp black or white pepper  
Pinch chilli flakes  
Big bunch basil leaves  
Splash of olive oil  

Heat oven to 190 C. Line a baking tray with baking paper.
In a big bowl, mix potato, courgette, flour, cheese and salt, pepper and chilli flakes until vegetables are well coated in flour. Drizzle over some oil. Pile half ingredients onto tray in a big circle, top with torn basil leaves (reserve some of scattering over once cooked), then add remaining potato/courgette mixture. Drizzle over bit more oil. It will settle down into itself as it bakes.  
Bake for 30-40 minutes until golden and crispy on the edges and potatoes are cooked through. Leave to cool for 5-10 minutes before scattering with basil leaves then slicing or scooping up portions. It’s also just as great served cold so an leftovers will be welcome. 


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