Feijoa & apple pie  
Last week we did a savoury pie and this week we go sweet with this incredible feijoa and apple pie which has a crumble top!  
1 cup flour 
90g cold butter 
2 tbsps sugar  
Pinch salt  
1 small egg whisked with iced cold water 
1 large apple, sliced thinly  
1 cup scooped feijoa flesh 
3 tbsps brown sugar  
1 heaped tbsp plain flour  
Lemon zest  
Vanilla extract 
Crumble top 
2 heaped tbsp flour 
2 tbsp brown sugar  
50g butter + extra for dotting  
¼ cup almonds   

Pulse flour, butter, sugar and salt until it resembles breadcrumbs. Drizzle in enough of the egg/water mix and keep pulsing until it forms a ball. Tip out on a bench and knead briefly to a ball then roll out to fit a 16-20cm pie tin. Line the tin, leaving excess pastry draping over the edges. Chill in freezer for 30 minutes then sit on a heated tray and bake at 180 C until golden – about 15-17 minutes. 
Combine filling and tumble into the pastry shell. Blitz topping ingredients together until crumbed and spoon over fruit filling. Dot over some extra butter. Bake for 40 minutes or until pastry is golden.  
Serve with whipped cream.  

Note: crush excess cooked pastry (from the draped pastry sides) and sprinkle over cooked pie. LISTEN TO AUDIO ABOVE