Chicken mustard & bacon pan pie 
This lid-only pie is so easy to put together and it’s a favourite with everyone who tries it. 
Serves 2-3 
2 tbsps olive oil 
1 medium onion, diced 
½ cup corn kernels 
2 rashers bacon, diced 
3 free-range chicken thighs, diced 
Splash white or red wine 
1 tbsp wholegrain mustard 
½ tsp sea salt and ¼ tsp white pepper 
3 big tbsps crème fraiche 
1 sheet store-bought flaky pastry 
Egg wash (optional) 

Heat oven to 180 C.
Heat oil in a medium-sized oven proof pan (no plastic handle!) andsauteonion, corn and bacon until vegetables are softened. Remove from pan and set aside. In same pan, fry chicken until golden brown then add in wine, stock and mustard and simmer for 2 minutes. Add cooked veges/bacon back in and stir to combine. Season with salt and pepper. Stir through crème fraiche. Allow to cool slightly. 
Roll out pastry to fit over pan, with some overlapping. Pinch to seal it and squish it around rim of pan. Make a couple of slashes in the top as air vents. Brush with lightly beaten egg if using.
Bake for 20-30 minutes or until top is golden brown and filling is bubbling.