Summer is on its way for sure so it’s time to indulge in an ice-cream sandwich, Sicilian style. Toasted brioche buns or thick slices of loaf cake work well for this decadent and fun dessert. The hero really is the caramel made with apple juice – yum!
Apple caramel – makes about 1 cup
1 cup Apple Press jazz juice
1/3 cup brown sugar
2-4 tbsps cream
Large pinch of salt to taste
Serve with:
Store-bought brioche buns or thick slices of loaf cake, toasted
Vanilla ice cream
Fresh blueberries
1. Simmer apple juice with brown sugar for 7-10 minutes or until it thickens. Add dash of cream and sprinkle of salt and let it bubble to form a beauitful caramel sauce. Keep warm.
2. Toast brioche or thick slices of loaf cake. Set out on individual plates. Top with ice cream, some fresh blueberrries and drizzle with apple caramel sauce.