Wild your backyard It’s time to un-garden the garden and de-lawn the lawn.We are entering the sixth mass extinction. 40% of insects are declining and a third are endangered. The rate of extinction for insects is eight times faster than that of mammals, birds, and reptiles. At the rate insects are declining, they could vanish within a century.Food
Your habitat needs three types of plants or supplemental feeders, ranging from berries to pollen to bird feeders.
Your habitat needs a source of clean water for wildlife to drink and bathe, ranging from a stream to a birdbath to a butterfly puddling area.
Wildlife needs at least two places to find shelter from the weather and predators, ranging from a bramble patch to a log pile to a roosting box.
Places to Raise Young
Your habitat needs at least two places for wildlife to court, mate, and then bear and raise the babes, ranging from nesting boxes to host plants for caterpillars.
Sustainable Practices
Finally, you need to employ practices which include:* Soil and water conservation (for example, reducing erosion, limiting water use, or using mulch).* Controlling exotic species (for example, using native plants and reducing lawn area).* Organic practices (for example, eliminating synthetic chemical pesticides and fertilizers).
Your habitat needs three types of plants or supplemental feeders, ranging from berries to pollen to bird feeders.
Your habitat needs a source of clean water for wildlife to drink and bathe, ranging from a stream to a birdbath to a butterfly puddling area.
Wildlife needs at least two places to find shelter from the weather and predators, ranging from a bramble patch to a log pile to a roosting box.
Places to Raise Young
Your habitat needs at least two places for wildlife to court, mate, and then bear and raise the babes, ranging from nesting boxes to host plants for caterpillars.
Sustainable Practices
Finally, you need to employ practices which include:* Soil and water conservation (for example, reducing erosion, limiting water use, or using mulch).* Controlling exotic species (for example, using native plants and reducing lawn area).* Organic practices (for example, eliminating synthetic chemical pesticides and fertilizers).