Eating well without meatWe are being told that we can halt climate change by swapping to a plant based diet, at least a few meals a week.
So what are some of the best ways to go about eating less meat?
* Tofu and Tempeh - Organic and GMO free certified as if not its likely to be a GMO product. Tempeh is a fermented product made from soy beans increasing its nutritional profile. Cooking tip - blanch your tempeh first to make the flavour milder.
* Hemp seeds - high in protein and omega 3s, make milk with them, put them in smoothies, breads, pancakes, and sprinkle them on salads.
* Lentils, beans and chickpeas - there are 100s of different varieties of these little protein packed gems and so many different ways you can cook, sprout and blend into your recipes. 
* Nuts and seeds - favourites are almonds and hazelnuts, think nut butter, nut milk, almond cake, use them as a crumb or eat them plain and simple as a snack. Little bird make amazing activated nuts to solve that delicious protein snack on the go solution.
* Quinoa - high in protein grain  1 cup has over 8 grams of protein.
* Potatoes - a large baked potato has 8 grams of protein. Serve it with some dark leafy greens, avocado and a tahini dressing and you'll have around 16 grams of protein on your plate.
* Rice and Beans - this is a staple in many countries and provides you will all the amino acids you need to make a complete protein, a regular beans and rice meal can easily get you around 20 grams before you even start adding on those protein rich veggies. Blend black beans and rice together to make a protein rich burger patty rather than reaching for that 20 ingredient long list of fractionated ingredients and additives to make mock meat.LISTEN TO AUDIO ABOVE