Let’s call them Rona’ resolutions. 
Given this is *maybe* our last weekend before we can hug our friends and travel to see our families... I want to pause and observe the moment. Consider the things you’ve experienced during life at Levels 3 and 4. The things you’ve learnt. The things you’ve appreciated. The good habits you’ve somehow maintained. How do we bring those good things to life at Level 2 and beyond?
I’ll be honest with you. I’ve not lived a perfect lockdown life. I’ve been drinking a bit more than I should and bingeing on sugary junk, even though I know it makes me feel crappy and down. I’ve not been nearly as productive as I would have liked. I’ve read only about half as many of the books as I wanted to get through. I’ve spent far too much time mindlessly scrolling Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. But there are certainly things I want to maintain.
1) I resolve to support the small businesses that give character to my neighbourhood. There’s a little cluster of little cafes near my home. One of them is called Little Algiers – it’s run by an Algerian guy who moved here a few decades ago, and I don’t think I’ve ever come across a cafe or an owner with fewer pretensions. He’s the sort of guy who bursts into laughter, or exuberantly shares a French proverb with his customers. It wouldn’t surprise me if he gently kissed the hand of his female patrons... he’s just a real charmer, one of life’s great characters. And our neighbourhood is so much better for his business, and the business of the people in the shops and cafes around him.
Of course supporting local business is more than just a food thing. Ask yourself, what businesses make your neighbourhood unique? What businesses make your neighbourhood better? And what would it be like if they didn’t exist?  If like me, you’re fortunate enough to have a job and some expendable cash at the moment... it’s in your interests to support your neighbours.
2) I resolve to get outside every day. Exercise is a big part of my routine, and I enjoy going to the gym and having a really decent sweat sesh. But there’s something really refreshing and fortifying being outside and feeling the sun or the wind on your face. I’ve especially noticed it, being cooped inside so much. When I go for a bike ride, or just a walk around the block... it doesn’t matter if it’s beautiful and sunny or crappy and rainy. Going outside resets you a bit. 
3) The pandemic has been really good at narrowing my focus in life to things that matter to me. I’ve spent a lot of time catching up with mates and talking to my family members on Skype and Zoom. On a couple of occasions, I’ve sat down and had a really decent, intense 3 hour conversation with a close friend overseas. We’ve not just caught up. We’ve properly talked. We’ve connected.
I resolve that as life goes back to normal, I’m going to make sure I carve out time for proper, nourishing, meaningful conversations with the people I love.