Anyone with kids, of almost any age, is likely to be talking the thorny issue of how to teach consent. In fact in the age of #metoo, it's something we’re all talking about more.   Enter Doctor Melissa Kang and broadcaster Yumi Stynes, who’ve just written a book called ‘About Consent’. Melissa and Yumi didn’t know when they started writing it 2 years ago that the topic would be so big by now.   As one twitter user put it ‘It’s out! Get this book into the paws of kids, teens and federal parliamentarians you know" - of course referencing federal parliamentarians after the recent sexual abuse scandals in the Aussie parliament.  Dr Melissa Kang will be known to women of a certain age as the real-life Dolly Doctor, to the rest of you, she’s a doctor and academic who specializes in sexuality and sexual health.  She's been speaking to Francesca Rudkin alonside co-author and broadcaster Yumi Stynes.   LISTEN ABOVE 

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