The Silence Project, Carole Hailey 

A powerful debut novel that explores a complex mother-daughter relationship. What is it like to be the daughter of a woman who started a cult that changed the world? 

Monster. Martyr. Mother.  
On Emilia Morris's thirteenth birthday, her mother Rachel moves into a tent at the bottom of their garden. From that day on, she never says another word. Inspired by her vow of silence, other women join her and together they build the Community. Eight years later, Rachel and thousands of her followers around the world burn themselves to death. 


The Mysterious case of the Alperton Angels, Janice Halley 

Everyone knows the story of the Alperton Angels: the cult-like group who were convinced one of their member's babies was the anti-Christ, and they had a divine mission to kill it - until the baby's mother, Holly, came to her senses and called the police.  

The Angels committed suicide rather than go to prison, and Holly - and the baby - disappeared into the care system.  

Nearly two decades later, true-crime author Amanda Bailey is writing a book on the Angels.  

The Alperton baby has turned eighteen and can finally be interviewed - if Amanda can find them, it will be the true-crime scoop of the year, and will save her flagging career 


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