First off, Satellite Sisters Talk TV is grateful that the scabies on Dr. Ennys face have cleared up!    But let us take a moment of silence for the late great Aunt Agatha...     SHOCKING EPISODE!! Now that nobody is in prison, we are moving along at a blistering pace. In this episode alone we had:   The Terrible death of Aunt Agatha The Political Rise of George The terror of Morewenna’s marriage The Recovery of Baby Rickets The Recovery of Dwight and Caroline’s Sex Life More Shirtless Drake! Or should I say Smithee Drake Saucy Sister and the Vicar Bowling for Aristocrats And… Demelza and Poet HUGH!!!! What the what!     Plus some really solid hair—first on Caroline, then on Baby Rockets and then  on Poldark. He looked good all episode.    Subscribe to Satellite Sisters Talk TV on Apple Podcasts here if you want to listen to Lian Dolan and Julie Dolan's TV recaps of CBS drama Madam Secretary and PBS Poldark recap Pol,Dark and Handsome.    To listen to Satellite Sisters Talk TV on Stitcher, click here.    The complete Satellite Sisters Talk TV podcast archive is here.    The complete Satellite Sisters podcast audio archive is here.  
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First off, Satellite Sisters Talk TV is grateful that the scabies on Dr. Ennys face have cleared up!    But let us take a moment of silence for the late great Aunt Agatha...     SHOCKING EPISODE!! Now that nobody is in prison, we are moving along at a blistering pace. In this episode alone we had:   The Terrible death of Aunt Agatha The Political Rise of George The terror of Morewenna’s marriage The Recovery of Baby Rickets The Recovery of Dwight and Caroline’s Sex Life More Shirtless Drake! Or should I say Smithee Drake Saucy Sister and the Vicar Bowling for Aristocrats And… Demelza and Poet HUGH!!!! What the what!     Plus some really solid hair—first on Caroline, then on Baby Rockets and then  on Poldark. He looked good all episode.    Subscribe to Satellite Sisters Talk TV on Apple Podcasts here if you want to listen to Lian Dolan and Julie Dolan's TV recaps of CBS drama Madam Secretary and PBS Poldark recap Pol,Dark and Handsome.    To listen to Satellite Sisters Talk TV on Stitcher, click here.    The complete Satellite Sisters Talk TV podcast archive is here.    The complete Satellite Sisters podcast audio archive is here.  

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