We get into all of the current efforts of the TST in their ongoing fight for secular govermnent, schools and uteruses. Plus you get to hear us poke a little into the personal.

This week, on a very special episode of Satanic Love, Tiffany interviews Doug Mesner, a.k.a. Lucien Greaves, head honcho of The Satanic Temple.  We get into the latest news with TST’s continuing fight to remove religion from government, schools, and uteruses, as well as the plans for the Baphomet Statue Unveiling Party, and it wouldn’t be Satanic Love if we didn’t poke for a little peek into the personal space of the most prominent satanist of our time.  

Episode 9 Notes and Links 
Fox new anchor Megyn Kelly interviews Lucien Greaves

The tablets we briefly mention in conjunction with the Ten Commandment monuments are the Code of Ur-Nammu and you can read that article here:

Code of Ur-Nammit Article

To learn more about the Secular Student Alliance:

SSA - The Secular Student Alliance

Here are a couple of links to articles with more information about the Little Rock, Arkansas Ten Monuments situation.  Senator Jason Rapert's facebook post is the the first one and Lucien Greaves response letter is in the second one.  

Senator Jason Rapert's facebook post

Lucien Greaves Open Letter to Rapert

The Satanic Temple Tenets

Protect the Children Project

Right to Accurate Medical Information

If you're unsure about the details of RFRA and the use of the Hobby Lobby decision as leverage in The Satanic Temple's mission, this is a pretty good article:

Satanists Use Hobby Lobby Decision to Play Devil's Advocate

And last but not least - Doug putting his nuts on the gravestone of the mother of Fred Phelps, Jr, founder of the Westboro Baptist Church.