Are you fed up with falling behind the pack on long hikes?

Are you so tired after hiking that you skip your shower and go to bed dirty?

Maybe it's because you're trying to climb a huge mountain on two goos and a sawdust bar.

If you're training hard and getting nowhere, it's time to look at your fueling strategy.

The truth is, very few people eat and drink enough during training hikes and long workouts.

And that's too bad, because nutrition is just as important as working out. In fact, dialing in your nutrition might be the secret sauce you need to take your mountaineering game to the next level!

So in this week's podcast episode, I'm going to show you exactly what to eat before, during, and after your hikes.

These tips may seem simple. But I guarantee you, they work!

Once you get your nutrition dialed in, you'll feel like a new creature (energy monster!).

So why be slow and tired for one more day? Click play and let's get started!

This week's episode is sponsored by Mountain Fit: Self Coaching for Mountain Athletes.

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