If everything in your life is going wrong or sideways at once, you might be experiencing ... THE CRUMBLING.

It can hurt like hell. It might feel like a personal attack from the universe — or even a spiritual death.

But I want you to know that THE CRUMBLING really is here for your growth and expansion.

When you're preparing to move to a new level, everything unaligned must go. And that includes job, relationships, thoughts, beliefs, and outdated programming.

All that stuff needs burn down in order to make room for what wants to come to you next.

In this week's podcast episode, I'll share:

My own recent crumbling story (welcome to the Great Crumbling of 2023!)My best guess about why this is all happening and what it means for me in 2024.Some of the ways I'm handling it well — and not so well. (Vulnerability alert.)Tips for how to navigate your own crumbling and emerge stronger on the other side.


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