This class is the second of a series of classes I am posting as an introduction to the Body Matter Feldenkrais series, Soften the System.

Today we take another Feldenkrais approach to practicing the ability to settle the body. This class utilizes the powerful effect that calming the hands can have on our whole system. 

Our hands, palm, and fingers take up an enormous amount of room in our motor cortex. And if we can effectively calm and inhibit the unnecessary of activity in one area of the motor cortex, the process tends to spread and extend to other areas in the motor cortex.  Areas beyond just the hand can thus be affected. We think we are doing something with our hand, but we are doing something with our brain! Feel how the softening spreads, and the relaxed feeling generalizes throughout your whole system. 

If you resonate with TODAY’s approach, you may be interested in these self-paced Feldenkrais audio series:

Soften the System Feldenkrais Series
Sensing Subtlety and Satisfaction Feldenkrais Series
Unraveling Body Anxiety Feldenkrais Series

Sarah Baumert has been teaching movement since 2006. She is a certified yoga teacher, yoga therapist and Feldenkrais practitioner. This podcast is an intersection of her yoga teaching and training in the Feldenkrais® method. Classes include sensory rich movement experiences for a more resilient and healthy nervous system to help you feel a greater sense of ease and comfort in yourself. Find more of Sarah's teaching on her website Body Matter, including live online classes, self-paced courses and the Body Matter library membership.

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Right now I am offering a free 10 day trial for my library membership. The library has over 200 yoga video classes and Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement audio classes. If you resonate with my teaching and this way of learning, check out the Body Matter Library membership which includes livestream classes and recordings. 

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