This class is a great way to end a long day of work or to do before bedtime. Here is…

This class is a great way to end a long day of work or to do before bedtime.

Here is a sampling from Ted’s Yoga Journal about this podcast:

“The first five minutes were bliss.  I laid down on a long rolled up blanket to support my spine and placed my hands on my ample stomach to feel it rise and fall as we deepened our breath.  Little did I know the challenging poses that awaited me.  My shoulders were sore from the day before.

Lots of high plank, lots of downward facing dog.  My downward dog is improving though.  It’s amazing how quickly one’s muscle memory clicks back into place after a long time out of practice.  The highlight of this practice was the pigeon pose.  I LOVE PIGEON.  I work on my feet, so my lower back gets sore and tight all the time.  Pigeon always helps ease the tension.  Yay pigeon! When I finally finished the practice, my (mom’s) yoga mat was damp with sweat.  Despite my struggle, I will say that my mind was steady and my body was calm.  It’s intense, but Sarah was right, great to do right before bed.  I slept like a baby.”