Episode 19 of the InnovationX Podcast focuses on what the future has in hold for public sector oranisations. As we emerge from the Covid-19 pandemic the opportunity to adopt new technologies to improve the way we deliver new public sector services is here.

Whether you want to become more agile, more resilient, or increase your capacity and productivity, government organisations are now maximising the latest cloud technologies to better meet the needs of their citizens.

A perfect example of this in action is Gloucestershire County Council which became the first UK public sector organisation to adopt RISE with SAP to modernise its IT and technology infrastructure.

We are joined by our expert guests:

• Steve Mawson, Deputy Chief Executive & Executive Director of Resources, Gloucestershire County Council
• Cheryl Millyard, Head of Business Service Centre, Gloucestershire County Council
• Satpal Biant, Head of Public Sector, SAP UKI
• Amanda Gardiner, Head of Industry Value Advisory, SAP UKI
• Dr Ruth Eberhart, VP Intelligent Government Management, Postal Services & Central Banks, SAP
• David Dinsdale, Industry Value Advisor, SAP UKI