Yes, I’ve used an Albert Einstein quote as the title for this episode, but how could I not!? I also quote Einstein in my summary at the end of the episode, not quite sure what came over me.. but again how could I not use this?! - “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result”. In other words, get our your comfort zones, give it a whirl, if you fail, try again.

Emmie Faust appeared on series 5 of BBC’s Dragons’ Den where she and her business partner secured a £200,000 record investment from Theo Paphitis. The business ending up failing which led Emmie to feel embarrassed for some time. This public eye failure wasn’t easy, however the learnings from it have been invaluable to Emmie and her success today. Since then Emmie has set up, scaled and sold many successful businesses and is almost certain the not so easy public failure was a key ingredient to her success today.

Join us as Emmie opens up about her business failure and most importantly the learnings and successes that have come from it.

P.s – Thanks Albert Einstein.