In this episode I’m interviewing an award winning Great Taste business, mmm that’s right. I’ve tried Madeleine & Co’s ( madeleines and they are super tasty. Light and crispy on the outside, yet moist in the middle, YUM.

Marie and I used to work within the same team at SAP. Marie decided to leave her corporate job at SAP in August 2019, to follow her passion in creating Madeleine & Co.

Marie shares with us her journey and it was certainly a journey to where she is today.

I love that the decision for Marie to leave her corporate job has not only let Marie turn her baking passion into a reality but it has also led Marie into creating an additional business. Marie is now a life coach who is now helping those who are in the same position as she once was – I just love this! 😊

Listeners, wherever you are, I’m not trying to convince you to all leave your jobs.. what I am trying to do is to remind you that you can follow your dreams, make a change, give that niggling idea in your head a try. Listen to your gut. Life’s too short.

Marie, it’s lovely to see you so happy and once again thank you for sharing your journey with us and being open and honest. I personally can’t wait to see what you do next!