This is about learning to play That's Amore from the movie soundtrack for MOONSTRUCK which stars Cher and Nicholas Cage. Cher plays a tax consultant who falls in love with a man who bakes bread for a living in NYC's Little Italy. Currently, this movie is FREE to watch on YouTube. Ultimately the lovers attend an opera at Lincoln Center which culminates in a hilarious twist in Cher's love life and her engagement to the brother of Nicholas Cage who's visiting their "dying mother" in Sicily. The name of the opera is La Boheme written by Giacomo Puccini (1858-1924), possibly the most famous opera composer of all time. The librettists were Luigi Illica (a playwright) and Giuseppe Giacosa (a poet), with whom Puccini also worked on his huge successes Tosca and Madama Butterfly.

What is the meaning of La bohème opera?

La bohème (pronounced, "La bo-EM") is an Italian opera in four acts. The opera tells the story of a love affair between a poor poet and an equally poor seamstress in 19th century Paris.

Are you in? Check back for future episodes about learning to play love songs for this upcoming Valentine's Day. That's amore!