Music by Clover_3 from the YouTube audio library. Have a grape day. Remember life's lessons from Pepe Le Pew. Whew! Thanks for listening. Okay. Like Bud Fox, played by Charlie Sheen in Wall Street says to Gekko seated in a limo on Park Avenue - "Okay, you got me."

What stinky smells come to my mind? Unclean farm animals in pens, some cheeses, some fish, dirty fish tanks and some pet stores. Corporate raiders. Insider trading. Greed. Publish or perish. This really stinks until you self-publish.

On the Wall Street of the 1980s, Bud Fox (Charlie Sheen) is a stockbroker full of ambition, doing whatever he can to make his way to the top. Admiring the power of the unsparing corporate raider Gordon Gekko (Michael Douglas), Fox entices Gekko into mentoring him by providing insider trading. As Fox becomes embroiled in greed and underhanded schemes, his decisions eventually threaten the livelihood of his scrupulous father (Martin Sheen). Faced with this dilemma, Fox questions his loyalties. Source: Google search results.