Kimberly Weeks is a Trauma Recovery Coach specializing in working with people recovering from abused by narcissists. Her choice of specialization comes from a very personal place. Not only is she doing this work for own healing journey and for her clients through theirs, Kimberly is also a Supervisor for the International Association of Trauma Recovery Coaching. That is to say, she's so passionate about this work that she is helping other coaches too.

Confident, authentic, compassionate, passionate, and energetic, she is a single mother of four boys, who also deals with a chronic health issue (autoimmune disease) that will never be able to stop her from achieving her goals. It may remind her when she needs to rest and recover, but she will never be defined by her illness. In our conversation, she explores the expectations on her and the successful achievements (SO MANY) from her life as the child of (SUPER) high achieving parents, the outward public view versus the internal family reality, and why she chooses to parent differently than how she was parented. 

She is such an incredible example of a Sandwich Parent. Please join me in hearing her story and learning how she recovered, which then lead to her work as a coach helping others recover from childhood trauma.

#KimberlyWeeks #narcissisticabusecoach #narcissism #traumarecoverycoach #traumarecovery #sandwichparenting #sherryuanhunter


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