In the first story, a General is lost in the desert with his army. A bird and an ant have an argument next to the dying general about which is more important to the man. I’m sure he was glad to hear them arguing while he was dying of thirst.

And in the second story, three girls are admitted to a school, but have to dress up as boys. Their beauty makes the other boys want to copy their names, but their courage and sense of morals set them apart from the rest. 

Source: Chinese Fables and Folk Stories by MARY HAYES DAVIS and CHOW-LEUNG 1908

Narrator: Dustin Steichmann

SFX: Thunderstorm on Mount Mogan by RTB45 on

Music: China Singing 1.mp3 by gynation on

Shoutout: Beyond the Rainbow Podcast 

Listener: Port of Spain T&T The Port of Spain was founded near the site of the Amerindian fishing village of Cumucurapo ("place of the silk cotton trees"), located in the area today known as Mucurapo, west of the city centre. From Wikipedia


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