Previous Episode: San Diego Tonight 4/21/17

Aired: 4/24/2017 7 PM:: DAVID FEIFEL, M.D., Ph.D., is a neuropsychiatrist and brain researcher who has devoted his career to developing innovative treatments for psychiatric disorders such as DEPRESSION, PTSD, ANXIETY, etc. After more than 20 years as a professor at UC San Diego, he now has a new center for innovative treatment, KADIMA Neuropsychiatry Institute. He will be talking about some of the latest developments in the treatment of disorders of the mind.


BOBBI BRINK - Founder and Director of Lions, Tigers and Bears

Lions Tigers & Bears (LTB) was founded in 2002, by Bobbi Brink. When asked why she started Lions, Tigers & Bears, she often replies, “After witnessing the heart-breaking phenomenon known as the “exotic animal trade” and seeing the victims of this business, I was compelled to do what I could to help these animals. I have spent many sleepless nights picturing the tortured lives these cats end up living. The places where these marvelous animals are kept are truly disgusting – sometimes in places you would least expect, such as in miserable holding cells with no sunlight or windows, living in cages so small they barely have room to stand up or turn around. Many live in basements, never seeing the outdoors or smelling fresh air. I have seen 10 or more cats crowded together in a small enclosure, where they restlessly pace in filth and fight each other for scraps of food. Some starve to death.”