During this episode of the Sam’s On Fire Podcast, host Sam Livingston, business coach and realtor, is interviewed by Mike Saunders on the Influential Entrepreneurs Radio Show. Livingston shares what he’s on fire about, why he became a coach, and what being coached by him really looks like. 


Episode Highlights: 

What does Livingston coach people to do?

Many small business owners ignore the backend and operations side of their business.

Livingston wears his emotions outwardly.

His past experiences as a fireman and Marine are reflected in his branding.

If you don’t know your numbers, you’re pouring water into a bucket with holes in it.

Not knowing your numbers is the number one failure he sees.

Until you understand your numbers, nothing else matters.

Leadership was instilled in Livingston in the Marine Corps.

Livingston’s business coach asked him why he wasn’t coaching given his extensive experience as a leader and mentor.

What does he do when people initially come to him?

A lot of people don’t know how to recognize their own problems.

Many people get caught up in shiny objects, which are procrastination tools.

When coaching, he asks clients to look at the things they’re not doing consistently.

They begin by implementing small changes.

A lot of people think coaches can just fix them. It’s actually about being open to addressing issues you may not even know you have.

It’s important to figure out if a prospective client will be coachable.

Coaches can’t hold you accountable. This is a misconception.

Entrepreneurs must learn to be self-accountable.

Coaching clients need to identify their real goals.

Livingston is always reviewing, tracking, and analyzing his numbers.

What are you doing on a daily basis that will get you closer to your goals?

Improving one aspect of your life improves all aspects of your life.


3 Key Points:

Sam Livingston coaches small business entrepreneurs on how to light the fire in their own business.

  Many people who approach Livingston for coaching know they have a gap to close but might not know what it is. 

Trying to improve one aspect of your life bleeds into all aspects of your life.


Resources Mentioned:

Sam Livingston website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn

Influential Entrepreneurs Radio Show

The Authority Positioning Coach

Fireman Mike

The Compound Effect (book)

Twitter Mentions