The year 1968 remains one of the most tumultuous single years in history, marked by historic achievements, shocking assassinations, a much debated war and a strong spirit of rebellion in the air that swept through countries all over the world. Occurring at the dawn of the television age, the historic events of 1968 also played out on TV screens across the world, bringing them home in a way that had never been possible before. 

Things didn't calm down much in 1969. The major News Stories of the year include The Beatles' last public performance, on the roof of Apple Records, First Concorde test flight. Woodstock. As well as the first man to The first man to land on the moon. That was the  Apollo 11 mission with Neil Armstrong and Edwin 'Buzz' Aldrin.

It was against this backdrop in history that he Sunday Times Golden Globe race finished. That was audio you heard just before. 

9 men started that race and only one finished. 

That man was Sir Robin Knox-Johnston. Sire Robin and his 9.75m traditional ketich rigged double ended yacht Suhaili who at the start, was considered the most unlikely boat and given no chance.

It was a funny sort of race, with no real rules, no official start line and you could set off when you were ready. But the prize was worth having — £5000 — which would be worth a lot more today!  And of course the achievement beyond price: the objective was to be the first to sail single-handed non-stop round the world. 

You can learn more about Sir Robin Knox-Johston here:

A Wold Of My Own: Sir Robin Knox-Johnston (Author)

Heavy Weather Sailing: Peter Bruce (Author) Sir Robin Knox-Johnston (Foreword)

A Voyage for Madmen: Peter Nichols


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