For Episode 3 of the podcast we got the absolute honour to sit down with Dr Bill Tai. If you don't know Bill but you have been using Zoom Video Conferencing during isolation in these past COVID-19 impacted months then you should. Bill was one of the initial investors in Zoom. So in short Bill basically made this podcast happen. We had planned to record all the episodes in person but instead when the boarders were locked down and travel was restricted we went to Zoom.

Many know him as a close friend of Richard Branson, a charitable man, an expert in blockchain, but beyond that Bill is one of the keenest Kite surfers I have had the pleasure to meet.

What I admire about Bill is that he coordinates his entire life around what he loves (kitesurfing and ocean sports). Every overseas trip he does, every event he runs, any potential investing opportunities, are all brought together by his many adventurous kitesurfing trips. What Bill has done is shown how our culture has risen up and moved beyond having work and play be two separate things. In the old days, we used to hide our play. Now, we can bring our work and play together to live a life more fulfilled.


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