A round-up of the news in the World of Salesforce for June 2019, recorded on 11th July 2019.

Salesforce Permissiongeddon the Results:

Salesforce has published there RCA on the security incident that started on 17th May 2019. Some interesting things in there including their deployment process for database changes and their use of database flashback technology, find out more here:

Multi-Instance Core and Communities Service Disruption starting May 17, 2019

Code Review Tools

Clayton.io posted a blog: What we learnt scanning 10.2 billion lines of Salesforce code. With some interesting insights




Salesforce acquires Tableau

Tableau Aquisition
TechCrunch: Salesforce is buying data visualization company Tableau for $15.7B in all-stock deal
The Wall Street Journal: 2016 Leak of potential Salesforce acquisitions

1000 Trailblazer Groups

Salesforce Celebrates 1000 Trailblazer Groups
The First London Developer Group

London Trailblazer Community Groups:
Women in Tech
London Administrators Group
London B2B Marketers Group
London B2C Marketers Group
London Developers Group
London Government Group
London Non-profit Group
London Higher Education Group
London Non-Profit

Anup steps down from London Developer User Groups:

Anup's this is your life Video
The first Developer user group a look back

Ladies be Architects

Now a CIC! Congrats!!
Ladies be Architects: Website, YouTube, Twitter

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