Hubspot's Scott Brinker on Sales, Marketing and Technology

Episode Summary:

Welcome to the Sales Tech Podcast, the show that talks about sales technology, what’s working, what’s not and where the industry is going. In this episode, Scott Brinker joins the show to discuss his background as VP Platform Ecosystem at HubSpot.

Scott has a wealth of knowledge in the intersection of technology platforms and ecosystems and marketing strategy and operations. This makes him the perfect candidate to discuss the explosion of marketing technology over the past few years and how that has impacted the structure of Sales and Marketing departments.

Thom and Scott discuss this technological boon, why sales technology has lagged behind and what needs to be done in order to ensure salespeople have all the tools them need to optimize their time and be successful. Scott speaks to how the global pandemic has impacted the sales profession, strategies for getting multiple technologies to work better together and how technology has changed the career structure for those who work in Sales and Marketing.

What We Covered:

00:29 – Thom introduces today’s guest, Scott Brinker who joins the show to talk about the explosion of marketing technology in recent years and why sales tech has lagged behind

07:03 – Lessons salespeople can glean from the global pandemic 

08:30 – How technology has impacted the relationship between Sales and Marketing groups

10:32 – Scott discusses what salespeople need to be doing to help bring sales tech into their companies

11:30 – Scott speaks to the pushback he sees in sales technology

13:24 – Scott talks about strategies for getting these technologies to work better together

17:28 – Scott speaks to the vital role technology departments play, specifically with regards to sales and marketing today

18:33 – How technology has impacted the career structure for people who work in sales and marketing

21:16 – Scott speculates on the future of sales and marketing technology

23:33 – Thom thanks Scott for joining the show and let’s listeners know where to follow him


“2020 was such a crazy catalyst for this. So many of these touchpoints now between sales people – buyers and sellers – all of a sudden started happening in these highly digital mediated channels.” (05:47)

“I think this meeting in the digital Wonderland has certainly been one of the best things to happen for encouraging greater collaboration between marketing and sales.” (09:00)

“I don’t think cost is really the primary barrier here [in sales tech]. It’s very easy and affordable to try things. If they end up working and you can demonstrate through this data trail its impact on performance, then your case is fine.” (12:03)

“While the industry I will say as a whole still has a long way to go, we’re making a lot of progress.” (14:51)

“One of the things technology did was it certainly raised the profile and the strategic impact of marketing operations.” (18:58)

Links Mentioned:

Scott Brinker on LinkedIn

Scott's Chief Marketing Technologist Blog

HubSpot Website