Powering the Revenue Operations Engine with Clari’s Rosalyn Santa Elena

Welcome to Sales Tech Podcast, the show that talks about sales technology, what’s working, what’s not, and where the industry is going. In this episode, Thom sits down with sales leader, podcast host, and advisor, Rosalyn Santa Elena.

Rosalyn is the Head of Revenue Operations at Clari, an organization that provides revenue teams with total visibility into their business, to drive process rigor, spot risk and opportunity in the pipeline, increase forecast accuracy, and drive overall efficiency.

Today, Thom and Rosalyn discuss her incredible career working for both Fortune 500 companies and early-stage startups. Rosalyn opens up about the process she employs to identify and implement sales tech stacks that are efficient and solution-based.

Rosalyn talks about her role in powering the Revenue Operations Engine, provides advice to those in sales and revenue operations careers, and highlights the importance of mentorship. 

What We Covered:

00:35 – Thom introduces today’s guest, Rosalyn Santa Elena, who joins the show to share her experience in Revenue Operations and highlights the stark differences in working for large organizations and smaller startup companies

03:38 – How Revenue Operations became an integral component of Sales

05:26 – Rosalyn shares insights that she believes we need to be paying attention to with regards to sales technology

07:02 – How to get sales professionals to better utilize sales technology

08:40 – Rosalyn talks about how to deal with sales tech adoption especially among sales professionals who are resistant

09:59 – Rosalyn shares the process she utilizes to identify the ideal tech stack to invest in

13:08 – Rosalyn speaks to the role that Big Data plays in her job

15:06 – Tips and advice Rosalyn would give to those interested in a career in Revenue Operations

17:32 – Thom takes a moment to promote the upcoming Sales Tech Expo

18:06 – Advice Rosalyn would give to sales professionals on how to sell better

19:35 – Rosalyn speaks to the importance of finding a mentor

22:36 – Rosalyn speculates on the future of sales tech

24:14 – Thom thanks Rosalyn for joining the show today and let’s listeners know how to connect with her


“When I joined my first startup, I had the opportunity to jump in and really build an Operations team from scratch. It was a hundred people, small company, a dozen customers and I had an opportunity to really take my experience and go build something.” (02:46)

“I think something to look out for really is to not buy a tool just to buy the tool. You have to be very thoughtful around your process of what is it that you’re trying to solve and then look for the right solution that’s going to support that.” (06:16)

“That’s really one of the biggest values of Revenue Operations is bringing those insights to the table and also managing all the data to ensure it’s accurate, comprehensive, real-time and always available to the right people and the right time.” (14:18)

“I think one thing that we’ve seen a big shift in is a lot more sharing in sales and a lot more coaching.” (18:52)

Links Mentioned:

Rosalyn Santa Elena on LinkedIn

Clari Website