Every sales person asks questions. We're trained that way. Some of us don't use the right tone and some of use odd questions but we all try our best. I sat down with Tim Wackel, a genius when it comes to mastering the art of sales and we discussed sales questions.

Are you asking these questions on your sales calls?

What are your goals?

Do you have a budget?

Who is involved in the decision-making process?

What keeps you up at night?

These standard questions don’t stimulate new thinking and ultimately make you sound like ‘the average rep’. Break the mold by learning to craft questions that ignite emotions, discover motivations and compel customers to act.

In This Episode You'll Learn:

Recognize and control the urge to pitch prematurely
Use open questions to close more business
Ask the “hard” questions in an “easy” way
Develop your own library of over 50 high-impact questions

Links and Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

Free Training Offer from Tim
InsideSales.com Research
The Sales Acceleration Group
Gabe Larsen Facebook