Over the last 12 months, the biggest trend we’ve observed is the shift toward personalization, and we’ve made some big changes in response… Instead of beating down the CMO’s door with a battering ram of case studies and collateral, our most successful outreach campaigns are now centered on personal commonalities that our clients share with […]

Over the last 12 months, the biggest trend we’ve observed is the shift toward personalization, and we’ve made some big changes in response…

Instead of beating down the CMO’s door with a battering ram of case studies and collateral, our most successful outreach campaigns are now centered on personal commonalities that our clients share with decision-makers.

The best part is that this relationship-building approach gels with how most agencies won new clients historically.

But how do you build agency/brand relationships in a tasteful and relevant way AT-SCALE?

Sure, you can make plans to do a bunch of research and write custom love letters, but what happens when you and your team get slammed with work?

In this webinar, you will learn what we did to average 5-20 qualified agency/brand relationships weekly using tasteful email outreach centered on personal commonalities.

Some things we cover:

-Why you should rethink the way your agency opens doors.

-Examples from a list of dozens of commonalities we use to build relationships between agencies and decision-makers.

-Actual copy examples so you can get inspired.

-A simple, non-overwhelming follow-up process for busy mixed-role salespeople.