Resiliency in sales speaks to our ability to overcome the difficulties we experience in sales. In order to successfully bounce back from the difficulties we face when selling, we have to be armed with the right attitude. 
Possessing a ‘Yes I Can’ attitude increases our likelihood of success when we face adversity and increases the likelihood of us responding to adversity in a healthy manner. Thus, mastering this attitude as a facet of resilience improves our overall resilience significantly. The following outlines several key elements that aid in the development of a ‘Yes I Can’ attitude.



Goal setting


Ultimately, the development of a ‘Yes I Can’ attitude will result in enhanced resiliency in sales. As we strive to be more optimistic, and more confident, and to set SMART goals (Specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely) we will improve our belief that ‘We Can’ when faced with adversity. It is this attitude that will give us the strength we need to continue pressing forward when the going gets tough, and this attitude will ultimately help us overcome adversity in sales. 
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Resiliency in sales speaks to our ability to overcome the difficulties we experience in sales. In order to successfully bounce back from the difficulties we face when selling, we have to be armed with the right attitude. 

Possessing a ‘Yes I Can’ attitude increases our likelihood of success when we face adversity and increases the likelihood of us responding to adversity in a healthy manner. Thus, mastering this attitude as a facet of resilience improves our overall resilience significantly. The following outlines several key elements that aid in the development of a ‘Yes I Can’ attitude.

Goal setting

Ultimately, the development of a ‘Yes I Can’ attitude will result in enhanced resiliency in sales. As we strive to be more optimistic, and more confident, and to set SMART goals (Specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely) we will improve our belief that ‘We Can’ when faced with adversity. It is this attitude that will give us the strength we need to continue pressing forward when the going gets tough, and this attitude will ultimately help us overcome adversity in sales. 

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