Those with a growth mindset tend to take more risks in sales, embrace feedback from others, and value the process over the end result, as they understand that critical learning and development typically takes place during the process. Meanwhile, those with a fixed mindset tend to stray away from risks, perceive feedback from others as negative, and place more significance on the final product as opposed to the process. 
Why does any of this matter, you may be asking yourself? It matters because the type of mindset one carries significantly shapes the potential one reaches within their career in sales. While there are various negative impacts a fixed mindset can have, this podcast outlines five specific limitations of a fixed mindset.

Low Self-Esteem & Depression

Inability to Cope with Change

Complacency and Mediocracy

Decreased Self-Awareness


Research suggests that the implications of a fixed mindset are increasingly negative. The limitations one imposes upon themselves by rejecting the notion that there is an ability to grow and learn are great. Thus, embracing a growth mindset in sales seems to be the best way to ensure continual progression and development in sales and life. 

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Those with a growth mindset tend to take more risks in sales, embrace feedback from others, and value the process over the end result, as they understand that critical learning and development typically takes place during the process. Meanwhile, those with a fixed mindset tend to stray away from risks, perceive feedback from others as negative, and place more significance on the final product as opposed to the process. 

Why does any of this matter, you may be asking yourself? It matters because the type of mindset one carries significantly shapes the potential one reaches within their career in sales. While there are various negative impacts a fixed mindset can have, this podcast outlines five specific limitations of a fixed mindset.

Low Self-Esteem & Depression
Inability to Cope with Change
Complacency and Mediocracy
Decreased Self-Awareness

Research suggests that the implications of a fixed mindset are increasingly negative. The limitations one imposes upon themselves by rejecting the notion that there is an ability to grow and learn are great. Thus, embracing a growth mindset in sales seems to be the best way to ensure continual progression and development in sales and life. 

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