Background, experience, and previous work are things that most sales organizations look at when hiring a new addition to the team. But what about the people who really want to get into sales but have none of these required experiences? Are we just gonna leave them behind? That is Tom Slocum and the TrainYo team’s mission, to provide sales career opportunities for people from odd job backgrounds and help them transform into highly skilled sellers.

Join Collin Mitchell today as he interviews Tom about the ins and outs of the TrainYo program and how it helped people from various walks of life in landing their first sales jobs, only here in the latest episode of Sales Transformation!

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Tom's Sales StoryWhat Is TrainYoOdd Backgrounds Of TrainYo TraineesChallenge For Non-Tech BackgroundsThe TrainYo Training ProcessTrainYo Graduates' Success Stories


Tom: “TrainYo takes underserved undervalued people that normally get overlooked or out of the UK or US market now that would love to break into the SDR role and find out how to do it correctly and get the skills they need to be successful in it.

Collin: “There's so many hidden gems of people that would do well.”

Tom: “We had another one Robert, who had never done sales in his entire life, Robert is and then he came through the program just recently, and within three days of finishing the program had secured himself a job.”

Tom: “Fight to get in, right, don't give up. It's not going to be easy. It is going to be hard. I'm not going to lie. This sounds all great butterflies, but you're gonna get rejected. You do have to go through quite a few interviews to get these candidates dropped somewhere.”

Connect with Tom on LinkedIn and learn more about what he’s been working on!

Trainyo LinkedInTrainyo Website

Connect with Collin on LinkedIn and find out what’s new in Sales Transformation and other things he’s up to!

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