We’ve talked about the Ideal Customer Profile just recently here in Sales Transformation. This time, Collin Mitchell brings in Jordan Crawford, co-founder of Blueprint, to talk about a whole new level of searching your ICP, where you focus on finding the customers with the problems that your company solves. Jordan presents his ideas and experiments to show us that strategies can be built and solutions can be offered by finding customers by pain, not persona.

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Jordan's sales story
Finding customers who have the problems you solve
Personalizing based on pain not persona
Finding pains by data
The power of experiments


Jordan: “People think it's about the person. And that's the thing that's not really scalable.”

Jordan: “Usually is Just about understanding that targeting and describing the work that you did back to them. And it doesn't have to be a one-by-one exercise.

Jordan: “I only focus on companies. So companies are a much easier ocean to boil than people because people's data changes very, very frequently.

Jordan: “ Understand these things, right company, right place, the right title, you know, right channel, then it's gonna, you're just going to have a much better time because you're focused on the things that are based on actual customer problems and their context.”

Connect with Jordan on LinkedIn and learn more about what he’s been working on!

Links to check out:

Blueprint Website: https://www.blueprintgtm.com/

Clay Website: https://www.clay.com/salestransformation

Connect With Collin on LinkedIn and find out what’s new in Sales Transformation and other things he’s up to!

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