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There are always new answers if you go in deep and want to provide massive value.

Myron Golden helps entrepreneurs sell and scale from the stage. He has helped people have million-dollar days. And he talks about lots of things that are not commonplace. He looks deeply into the psychology of beliefs and logic.

Myron teaches people to understand the history of the person to whom you are selling, and to truly understand their perception around what you are offering them.

Beliefs that people have before ever talking to you, or before talking to any salesperson, exist in almost every situation. Their experiences shape their view of the world. And also their view of the solutions that you are selling them. It is their perception of the facts rather than the facts themselves that shape their beliefs. Their experiences, and all the positive and negative things that have happened to them shape their beliefs and the way that they look at things. That happens both in business and in non-business-related things.

The experience that you had before becomes the frame around the fact. For example, if someone, or a company, spent $20,000 on software that was hard to implement and did not work, they will believe that big software expenses are useless. Or a sham. Or not effective. You would need to interact with that person differently than with someone in the same situation, who had a great result. 

I have always been a big proponent of outcome-based selling because people do not care about either the features or any of the nuances of the product. People only care about the outcome that they are going to get.

Deloitte Consulting did a study on that in the B2B sales space. They found that customers are now expecting three things:
It is customized to them
It must be easy to implement
It must create a tangible and get a specific result

Myron's teaching is geared towards breaking down a belief pattern that someone has around their focus on the dollar amount versus their focus on the outcome.

Many of my coaching clients focus consistently on their solution in that market rather than on the outcome. 

If you get laser-focused on a tangible and crystal-clear specific outcome, customers and prospects will be way more excited about what you have to offer than they would if you were trying to find their pain and solve it. 

Once you get to a person's beliefs around what you are offering them and take action, everything changes.

Links and resources:

Myron Golden’s website

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Grab your Free Copy of “The 4 Biggest Mistakes That Stop Companies From 10X’ing Their Revenue” at

There are always new answers if you go in deep and want to provide massive value.

Myron Golden helps entrepreneurs sell and scale from the stage. He has helped people have million-dollar days. And he talks about lots of things that are not commonplace. He looks deeply into the psychology of beliefs and logic.

Myron teaches people to understand the history of the person to whom you are selling, and to truly understand their perception around what you are offering them.

Beliefs that people have before ever talking to you, or before talking to any salesperson, exist in almost every situation. Their experiences shape their view of the world. And also their view of the solutions that you are selling them. It is their perception of the facts rather than the facts themselves that shape their beliefs. Their experiences, and all the positive and negative things that have happened to them shape their beliefs and the way that they look at things. That happens both in business and in non-business-related things.

The experience that you had before becomes the frame around the fact. For example, if someone, or a company, spent $20,000 on software that was hard to implement and did not work, they will believe that big software expenses are useless. Or a sham. Or not effective. You would need to interact with that person differently than with someone in the same situation, who had a great result. 

I have always been a big proponent of outcome-based selling because people do not care about either the features or any of the nuances of the product. People only care about the outcome that they are going to get.

Deloitte Consulting did a study on that in the B2B sales space. They found that customers are now expecting three things:

It is customized to themIt must be easy to implementIt must create a tangible and get a specific result

Myron's teaching is geared towards breaking down a belief pattern that someone has around their focus on the dollar amount versus their focus on the outcome.

Many of my coaching clients focus consistently on their solution in that market rather than on the outcome. 

If you get laser-focused on a tangible and crystal-clear specific outcome, customers and prospects will be way more excited about what you have to offer than they would if you were trying to find their pain and solve it. 

Once you get to a person's beliefs around what you are offering them and take action, everything changes.

Links and resources:

Myron Golden’s website

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