Grab you Free Copy of “The 4 Biggest Mistakes That Stop Companies From 10X’ing Their Revenue”  at

There are 5 ways to scale revenue:

1) Get brutally honest about product/market fit. The size of the problem we solve is directly proportional to the size of the sale you will make. Solving valuable problems means your solution is worth more money.

2) Develop your Ideal Customer Profile based on your product/market fit. The biggest constraint in sales is the amount of time and resources you have to dedicate to finding your ideal customer.

Firmographics - industry, size of company, revenue amount

Psychographics - defensive, proactive, 

Technographics - are you displacing technology or replicating technology, etc.

A trigger event is something that happens in the buyer’s world that creates a need. It could be an acquisition, a merger, a buyout, a new hire, etc.

3) Define your buyer personas - including a trigger event. 

4) Know your conversation narrative. Create a buyer persona centric narrative.

5) Drive the right concurrent combinations - use outbound to drive inbound and then get right back to the pattern interrupt.

Check out Tony's new book: Tech Powered Sale

Do You Want The Closing Secrets That Helped Close Over $125 Million in New Business for Free?"  Grab them HERE:


Ryan Staley

Founder and CEO

Whale Boss


[email protected] 

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How do you grow like a VC backed company without taking on investors? Do you want to create a lifestyle business, a performance business or an empire? How do you scale to an exit without losing your freedom?
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