To honor Heart Health Month, Jenn sat down with Dr. Philip Ovadia. He's a cardiothoracic surgeon who learned, the hard way, that everything he was taught about nutrition growing up and in med school was wrong, and was the leading cause of patients ending up on his operating table. He's now helping people transform their health through lifestyle. He believes that 90% of his surgical patients could have prevented the need to see him! Debunking common heart health myths, outline what we want to request from our doctor and more, this year's February heart health episode is not to be missed!     


Welcome back & intro today's topicMeet Dr. Philip OvadiaDr. Ovadia's story - growing up obese, eventually learning new information, removed 100lb from his own body & shifting what his medical practice looked like"Meds will never make you better" & how to navigate doctor recommendations with what we're learningMyths & misconception around heart healthThe food pyramidSaturated fat is the cause of heart diseaseLDL & statin drugs, cholesterol is the singular cause of heart diseaseWhy we're not talking about the biggest red flags for heart health?How much med school taught about lifestyle or nutritionDefining metabolic healthWhat happens int he body when people become metabolically unhealthyThe connection between metabolic health and cardiovascular diseaseThe role of genetics & family history vs lifestyleOils vs natural fats vs seed oilsProcessed foods & diet plans vs health supportive eatingThe role of sleep & stress in metabolic healthIndicators & way to measure/monitor our metabolic healthWaist circumferenceBlood pressureFasting Blood GlucoseHDL CholesterolTriglyceridesNormal/acceptable ranges vs what we really want to seeAdd a fasting insulin testHow do we get our doctors to do the extra labs?Ex. CRPHow to respectfully push back on our doctorsA key learning since Dr. Ovadia's book was publishedBlood clotting & inflammation

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"The types of food we eat might be more important than the amount of food we eat." – Dr. Philip Ovadia
"Meds will not make us better."  – Dr. Philip Ovadia
"Our healthcare system is geared toward taking care of sick people...not keeping them healthy."  – Dr. Philip Ovadia
"For most illnesses, it's the same root's metabolic health." – Dr. Philip Ovadia
"88% of adults in the US are not metabolically healthy."  – Dr. Philip Ovadia
"Metabolic health, insulin resistance, is clearly a much more significant risk factor for heart disease than LDL cholesterol is."  – Dr. Philip Ovadia 
"Lifestyle related illness and disease also means very preventable disease."   – Jenn Trepeck

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